Nov. 20, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

[attention:poor english] Location:Ishikari,Hokkaido,Japan. (撮影地:日本北海道石狩市) I think so. If famous buildings and streets, beautiful natural landscapes, urban sparkling shops, such things are close by, you can take good pictures. (私は思います。有名な建物や街、美しい自然の風景、ネオンで光り輝く都会、そのようなものが近くにあれば良い写真はたくさん撮れます。) However, I think that you can make your favorite idol shine even in scenes with nothing. (しかし何も無い風景でも、好きなアイドルを輝かせることができると思います。) Rather taking pictures I think that my favorite idol faces directly and I think that my love is an opportunity to try. (むしろ写真を撮る自分と好きなアイドルが直接対峙し、自分の愛が試される機会だと考えます。) I do not want to rely on famous things, and I want to challenge occasionally how much my favorite idol can shoot photographs that shine. (有名な物事に頼らずに、好きなアイドルが輝く写真をどれだけ撮れるのか、私はたまに挑戦をしたいです。) Recently Karen is so cute that I am in trouble.