
![Image]( Uuuuuuusamin~!! ♡ ♡ [My]( ♡ Nice to meet you! I'm Vivian and this is my Deresute account. Please feel free to add me! I'm also active on Mirishita, feel free to add me there as well: **KNXZGCZ6** Too many SRs to keep track, will only be listing important SRs & SSRs from now on~! **♡ Uzuki-P ♡** Asuka-P ♡ Yoshino-P ♡ Nana-P ♡ Nagi-P ♡ ** ♡ Shizuka-P ♡** Momoko-P ♡ Haruka-P ♡ **♡ ♡ ♡ Jan 1st, 2018: Got all 3 of Uzuki's SSRs! ♡ ♡ ♡** **♡ ♡ ♡ Sep 12th, 2019: Got Uzuki's 4th SSR! ♡ ♡ ♡**

1 account: