
3310 Activities match your search:
Oct. 20, 2016, 5:07 p.m.

I'm so in love... marry me Natsukichi

Oct. 25, 2016, 2:49 p.m.

after one unsuccessful 10er I laid low and told myself nah I don't need the Kanako THAT bad... then I realised I got up to 500 gems and bein' the bitch I am I solo'ed, first pull being a rare ofc and at this point I'm like listen as long as it's one I don't already have... but no.... no, RNGesus was like nuh-uh honey I have bigger plans for you you DESERVE it... take it.... take the Kanako. I am no man of religion but I sure as hale am devoting my life to my almighty holy father Bandai Namco from now on.
Also this is the 2nd out of 2 solo'ed ssrs I got while being in the bathroom so y'all will catch me chillin' in the bathtub with my phone the next cinfest idec.

Oct. 5, 2016, 3:52 p.m.

One True Introduction

I would like to take your time and make my introduction post to end all introductions! So, Haisai(g'day) everyone! And great to see all of you fellow Producers! I like my name. Call me Hirabiki!(ヒラビキ)

I'm no run-of-the-mill iM@S fan... I deeply love the entire iM@S franchise. I am THE iDOLM@STER Producer! I am sincerely delighted that finally, a website like this has became reality! Cinderella Producer is a HUGE DEAL to me because now there is a place for every non-Japanese producers to gather in one place! And that, is FANTASTIC!

I was hyped back when the Starlight Stage PV get released! And I joined Deresute just 4 days after release - September 6, 2015! Deresute broke me free from the ever-so-popular school-idol hell which honestly, failed to actually bond into my heart. Deresute, and iM@S series as a whole does just that, and it's very pleasant.

I became an iM@S fan on February 2015, not long after Cinderella Girls series started airing. In that same faithful month, I quickly and fully got into 765Pro idols! (Wondering about my avatar? She's Hibiki, my best 765Pro idol!) Since I started Deresute, I can proclaim myself, that now I help the idols achieve their shining hopes and dreams! I am a Producer!

If you are confused about something in the game, your first stop should be me! I hope I could make new producer friends. You too! Make your own friends here on DerePro! This is a dream producer network!

Let's Produce our best together!

Oct. 5, 2016, 4:34 p.m.

An older room of mine.

Oct. 3, 2016, 2:55 a.m.

Hi! I signed up right after the launch countdown reaches 0. Managed to add all my SSR before maintenance. I'm the guy who contributed 25%+ of Japanese translation. Yes really, I've never experienced such passion for a website I feel I'm ought to do it even if I didn't actually speak Japanese! I'll add the rest of my SR and awakened R soon. CinPro is A BIG DEAL for me as it's the first time ever all non-Japanese producers got a place to meet up together!! Let's Produce Together!

Oct. 5, 2016, 2:47 p.m.

My little Blue Napoleon Café~

Oct. 5, 2016, 7:12 a.m.

Old times favorite idol Rin arrived for me!!

Oct. 25, 2016, 10:47 a.m.

Sae's Pastel Pink na Koi solo cleared my skin, flourished my crops and made the economy successful. I had a religious moment

Oct. 3, 2016, 11:51 p.m.

thought i'd show off my room for fun !!! slightly messy but i think it's cosy ^__^!!!

Oct. 23, 2016, 9:19 p.m.

also I want there to be an ssr of natalia bc I love her

Oct. 4, 2016, midnight

Here it come! My room entry! With my best of my logical-minded effort without resorting to mimicking, it's really not looking special, even though less than a third think otherwise...

Winning with this is like getting 2 SSR no dope in a single 10-roll first try

Oct. 25, 2016, 12:42 a.m.

my point of view on kaede:

before koi kaze and looking more into her character: she seems OK, definitely not best girl material

post koi kaze and looking more into her character: anyone who insults her will no longer live to see the rest of their.... kaedays