
3246 Activities match your search:
Aug. 19, 2019, 5:58 p.m.

There goes my F2P status in Mirishita where it ended with a limited suptix especially when the 765 Pro AllStar commus were announced and fallen into Kotoha with her FES. I've been struggling to get back to Deresute since Mirishita's anniversary despite I still regularly play it because of the recent event songs of the latter being so good. Its just I really hope better songs will come to the former so I could get my motivation back and hopefully anniversary better not be a carnival or atleast have the event type tweaked incase its a carnival.

Aug. 1, 2019, 12:16 p.m.

Cinderella Producers is a free and open community, made by fans and for fans 💕 Its high monthly server cost make it only able to exist thanks for the generous support of donators who support us monthly. To thank you for your generosity, we give away a limited badge every month to all our donators. This month's limited badge features Otokura Yuuki 🏖☀️ Do you want it? Join our Patreon now: you get goodies AND you support your favorite community 💕 Yay! # →

Aug. 12, 2019, 6:07 p.m.

Been playing more Mirishita than Deresute these days since the 2nd Anniversary of the former. Glad I got this Takane SSR and I was looking forward for Allstar and Million star commus. The feeling that I went deeper into Million Live.

Oct. 12, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Rin Shibuya is beautiful.

March 13, 2019, 3:57 a.m.

my reason for living is them

April 9, 2019, 5:34 p.m.

i know nothing about this game and i played it once like 2 years ago so all i have to say is ![powerful]( powerful bust she can destroy the whole world

Aug. 9, 2019, 12:05 p.m.

what a day to play deresute! my main acc got banned 🥰

July 18, 2019, 4:59 a.m.

hi everyone, I'm chester!! i recently restarted my deresute account to do an Idolocke-style challenge; for the next three weeks (or maybe longer??) I'm only collecting idols that are older than 20!! because the ""older"" girls deserve more appreciation! i don't have a very big collection right now, but i'm working hard!! my game ID is on my profile if you wanna add me and feel free to hmu on social media!! i'm always lookin for more ppl to talk abt deresute with!

Oct. 3, 2016, 8:47 a.m.

That one time when Arisu's face didn't load but the blush did OMG

July 29, 2019, 9:14 a.m.

低浮上 同僚募集中

July 19, 2019, 12:27 p.m.

Happy belated anniversary to Theater Days! Hope everyone had a blast on the Fes, free pulls and anniv event! o7

Nov. 7, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

[attention:poor english] Location:Makomanai Park,Sapporo,Hokkaido,Japan. (撮影地:日本北海道札幌市真駒内公園) Makomanai Park is located in the southern part of Sapporo, it is a big park maintained as a stadium at the time of XI Olympic Winter Games.(真駒内公園は札幌の南部に位置し、第11回冬季五輪の時に競技場として整備された、大きな公園です。) On this day I took a lot of three of Triad Primus. The cold became stronger, but calm sunshine suddenly shot It was very pleasant shooting.(この日はTriad Primusの3人をたくさん撮影しました。寒さは強くなってきましたが、穏やかな日差しが降り注ぎとても気持ちよく撮影できました。) The units I currently love most are decided by them. Triad Primus is very cute and cool.(私が現在最も愛しているユニットは彼女たちで決まりです。Triad Primusはとても可愛いくてかっこいい。)