First event Rin get. Quite a fitting song to get her with, too.
This is the last tour in the Southern area (second-to-last area), which requires completing the third Ex-area tour and then the fourth Southern area tour. Requirements are 600+ Perfects/Greats, 100% life at the end, and 600k+ score for one song. Obviously, you need to choose a song with at least 600 notes, giving yourself at least a couple extra in case you miss some.
For 100% life, try to avoid songs with hard endings. Bring a healer just in case. Of course, if you FC the song (like I did) it doesn't matter.
600k is pretty hard to reach without friend assists unless you have a strong team. You can try using rainbow songs, which usually have higher scoring potential due to your support team drawing from all of your cards, and trying to choose songs at least Lv. 26. Some possible easier choices here are Absolute NIne and Seizon Honnou Valkyria.
If all this seems a bit too hard, just grind out event points or attendees.