I figure I might as well introduce myself since the sight is now live. My name is Kenya, but my producer name is ceelieP. I've only been playing deresute for two months and I really like passion idols a lot. My absolute BEST GIRL is Kirari. I fell in love with her in the anime and she makes me so so happy. I also love Shiki and Ryo (Please ssr and single when). My favorite invoices idol is reina koseki! Nice to meet Everyone! Feel free to add me.
Hey! So, I've technically already introduced myself once, but CinPro was still in Beta at the time. Since it's got its full release, now, I thought I'd introduce myself to everyone who's joining post-beta!
So hello! I'm Nullany, or Nully, or NoelP. Call me whichever you want, it doesn't really bother me! I got into Cinderella Girls and DereSute as an avid fan of earlier im@s girls and games, but I think Cinderella Girls is certainly my favorite part of the franchise. I do have a passion for High x Joker and Project Fairy, though.
As far as DereSute goes, I'm a big-time PassionP. I love all Passion idols, but overall my best girl is Rika. I also love Yui, Mika, Kirari, Yuki, Tomoe, and Tomoka. Outside of Passion types I like Mirei, Noriko, Momoka, Ranko, and Asuka.
Outside of DereSute I also play Ensemble Stars and I-Chu. Switch/RYUSEITAI and RE: BERSERK are my children in those games, and I'd love to meet other Enstars and I-chu Ps I can talk to, as well as DereSute P's!
It's nice to meet everyone, and congrats to CinPro on it's full release. Let's all get along, fellow CinPs! ★
Also obligatory introduction. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
My name's Juli but I also go by Robo. I joined Starlight Stage sometime this summer, right around when the Love∞Destiny event was going on. I play llsif and really enjoy some parts of it so my mate suggested this to me and I really love it so far. That also means I have no prior knowledge of im@s so I'm kinda wingin it hahah. Maybe one day I'll delve into the show but for now I'm happy with just tapping.
I really love a lot of the girls, but it wasn't until I discovered Nono that I realized... I had a fav. I adopted her and we're now a happy idol family. Sorry.
I can be reached on a few different sites that I included in my profile if you're interested in seeing any of my other likes/thoughts.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your idols and progress here!!
Everyone was doing these so I thought I might as well! Hi guys! I am Annie, a proud KirariP and MikuP! I joined Starlight Stage during the HiFi Days event! Even though my account is really new I decided to start again since I had established how to play the game properly because I blew alot of jewels on solo yolos I look forward to becoming friends with you!