hello yall again i have a question for you: do you play any of the im@s mobages? (cg, ml, sidem) i was honestly not really into mobages but ml completely changed that, i've tried playing the cg/sidem ones but i didn't reall get into it :o ((image of the current event shiho bc fuck i want her but she's the tier reward))
oh wait, we're posting intros here? well okay, im seere and i really really love nono morikubo and show my love by running an image bot for her @hesitantescape, except she's down until october. id go on about it but that'd be embarrassing. i'm really excited for her ssr to come out someday, to have a full individuals ssr team, and for her voice to officially be in game ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. that's all
Hello! I'm Amaya5 and I am also on Sukutomo as well. I started playing Deresute back in March? (I think), but I decided to quit soon after due to some family issues that came up that really affected me mentally and emotionally. Once things settled down, I decided to come back to Deresute again near the end of June and have been playing ever since. I am definitely a RankoP and a CoolP because I like the Cool attribute more than Cute and Pure since I personally feel that I would be a Cool idol and almost all my favorite idols are of the Cool attribute with the exception of Mayu Sakuma for Cute and Syoko Hoshi for Passion.