[attention:poor english] Location:Nopporo Forest Park,Ebetsu,Hokkaido,Japan. (撮影地:日本北海道江別市野幌森林公園)
A heavy snowfall last fall, my hometown season has entered the winter. (先週大雪が降って、私の故郷の季節は冬へ突入しました。)
As I look at the snow, I definitely want to take pictures of Anya. (雪を見ると、やっぱりアーニャの写真を撮りたくなってしまいます。)
Anya is very cute, but sometimes it looks very cool at times. (アーニャはとても可愛いですが、同時に時折とてもかっこよく見えることもあります。)
I realized that I was taking this picture. (私はこの写真を撮っていてそれを実感しました。)
[attention:poor english] Location:Maruyama Park,Sapporo,Hokkaido,Japan. (撮影地:日本北海道札幌市円山公園)
Maruyama Park is a park rich in trees near Sapporo city center. Cherry blossoms bloom in spring, and autumn leaves can enjoy autumn leaves. (円山公園は札幌の都心から近い所にある木が豊かな公園です。春は桜が咲き、秋は紅葉を楽しむことができる公園です。)
It is expected that the weather will be heavy rain from the next day on this day, and I took pictures of Claris and autumn leaves anyway until the battery of my cell phone disappeared. (この日は翌日から天気が大雨になると予想され、携帯電話の電池が無くなるまでとにかく沢山クラリスと紅葉の写真を撮りました。)
I have never liked a girl with slit-eyed so far, but I was gradually attracted while I was photographing Claris. (私は今まで糸目の女の子を好きになったことはありませんでしたが、クラリスの写真を撮っているうちに段々惹かれていきました。)
[attention:poor english] Yesterday a lot of Japanese producers enjoyed live at MetLife Dome. At the same time, I was crazy about Queen's movie "Bohemian Rhapsody". (昨日は日本の多くのプロデューサーがメットライフドームでのライブを楽しんでいました。同じ時間、私はQueenの映画"Bohemian Rhapsody" に熱狂していました。)
Because I was too excited too, I took pictures with idols who liked rock and Kanade which I like movies. (あまりに興奮しすぎたため、ついついロックが好きなアイドル達と、映画が好きな奏で写真を撮ってしまいました。)
[attention:poor english] Location:Ishikari,Hokkaido,Japan. (撮影地:日本北海道石狩市)
I think so. If famous buildings and streets, beautiful natural landscapes, urban sparkling shops, such things are close by, you can take good pictures. (私は思います。有名な建物や街、美しい自然の風景、ネオンで光り輝く都会、そのようなものが近くにあれば良い写真はたくさん撮れます。)
However, I think that you can make your favorite idol shine even in scenes with nothing. (しかし何も無い風景でも、好きなアイドルを輝かせることができると思います。)
Rather taking pictures I think that my favorite idol faces directly and I think that my love is an opportunity to try. (むしろ写真を撮る自分と好きなアイドルが直接対峙し、自分の愛が試される機会だと考えます。)
I do not want to rely on famous things, and I want to challenge occasionally how much my favorite idol can shoot photographs that shine. (有名な物事に頼らずに、好きなアイドルが輝く写真をどれだけ撮れるのか、私はたまに挑戦をしたいです。)
Recently Karen is so cute that I am in trouble.
The feeling that I cannot get Anya's SSR right now because I don't have jewels to roll or spark the rerun of the SSR on this post.
Still kinda feel bad a little bit even though I have her Cinfes SSR which is my favorite of all her SSRs in the game but still прошу прощения, Аня.
I have yet to get Minami's SSR which is what I wanted on a future scout ticket so she's my priority right now.
Went for a vacation this weekend where I went to the beach but ended up spending a chunk of time playing Deresute while I'm not in the water as cannot leave my producer duties behind especially Anya need me for her which is why I brought wifi on the trip. All that is because of the ongoing event in Deresute and I get to humm and even sometimes sing along the event song(Starry-Go-Round) after playing that song a couple of times per full stamina.
Atleast this was tame compared to me doing both Deresute and Mirishita's events at the same time which was literally idol hell.
This is idol hell in a new level where I felt like Anya said "Tovarish Producer, I know you are in vacation but me and the girls need you for this event and I know you will do your best for us" while this image was my phone's wallpaper while I was in the beach to set the vacation mood before I set it back to my previous Anya wallpaper before this.
I must be a really hardworking producer for my idols but the vacation was really a fun and crazy ride.
Source of the image:
AR is a very interesting feature where I managed to get an opportunity to test the feature where unfortunately it doesn't work on auto mode yet so I had to use a Pinya marker on another device. It seems I have to print out the marker and make it bigger.
This feature could be the answer on all the salt regarding the holiday season and even valentine's so hopefully more devices could get the AR support for the use of auto mode.