Oct. 5, 2016, 3:52 p.m.

One True Introduction

I would like to take your time and make my introduction post to end all introductions! So, Haisai(g'day) everyone! And great to see all of you fellow Producers! I like my name. Call me Hirabiki!(ヒラビキ)

I'm no run-of-the-mill iM@S fan... I deeply love the entire iM@S franchise. I am THE iDOLM@STER Producer! I am sincerely delighted that finally, a website like this has became reality! Cinderella Producer is a HUGE DEAL to me because now there is a place for every non-Japanese producers to gather in one place! And that, is FANTASTIC!

I was hyped back when the Starlight Stage PV get released! And I joined Deresute just 4 days after release - September 6, 2015! Deresute broke me free from the ever-so-popular school-idol hell which honestly, failed to actually bond into my heart. Deresute, and iM@S series as a whole does just that, and it's very pleasant.

I became an iM@S fan on February 2015, not long after Cinderella Girls series started airing. In that same faithful month, I quickly and fully got into 765Pro idols! (Wondering about my avatar? She's Hibiki, my best 765Pro idol!) Since I started Deresute, I can proclaim myself, that now I help the idols achieve their shining hopes and dreams! I am a Producer!

If you are confused about something in the game, your first stop should be me! I hope I could make new producer friends. You too! Make your own friends here on DerePro! This is a dream producer network!

Let's Produce our best together!