And I am back. after a brief hiatus. RIP ElysiaKun. If there is some way to put the new profile stuff into the old one (http://cinderella.pro/user/100), that would be great (I'd imagine that it'd be a pain to manually transfer stuff though) but until then, this would do. Got an email from deby yesterday that the old account got deleted by staff due to a mistake on the part of one of their mods. I'm fine with that, though it did lead to some drama and stuff. I do hope we all learned a lesson from these sequence of events, especially the moderators. I do hope that within the next few days any remaining issues will be resolved and that a set of rules for activities can be set in stone. And perhaps the moderators can learn a thing or two about proper moderation for once. I can rebuild my profile anyway, though too lazy to add all the SRs/Rs/Ns that I have. For now, I just wanna move forward and play starlight stage (at least bandai namco doesn't check this site out lel) Many thanks to the people in the Starlight Stage discord for all the support. Really appreciate it. p.s. I still stand by my original stance in the discussion where all this mess started (Azaius' post). p.p.s. is it me or is disqus in newer pages not loading?