# We're on Patreon now! We just opened a [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/db0company)! We added lots of great rewards for all our donators. Please read it and tell us what you think in the comments! We'll update it soon with a video and special goals with more rewards and we'll even organize giveaways! [](https://www.patreon.com/db0company) *** A new update of the website has been published recently! ### New features, improvements - YouTube channel in your links now has a more generic format that works for channels, users, old and new. - Donators page has been updated: [Check it out!](http://cinderella.pro/donate/) It now lists the donators per month and the % of the total server costs our donator helped us cover. - New tag! `Merchandise`. Share your figures, posters, and everything you own about IDOLM@STER~ - Tag "NOT about Idolm@ster, Starlight Stage or idols" has been renamed to "Unrelated". - Idols are now ordered by popularity! Of course you can change the order back to alphabetical with the side bar. - You can now order cards by the total producers who scouted them and total producers who favorited them! - New design for the cards descriptions, events descriptions and idols descriptions. Now it shows the total producers, cards, idols directly in the description without having to click on the button. Also the button have been changed to links because it looks better, also on mobile. ### Bug fixed - Changing your username used to bump all your activities on top of the feed. Fixed ✔ - 20 days after an activity is created, its cache expires, gets updated and get bumped on top of the feed. Fixed ✔ *** If you have a feature suggestion or a bug to report, please use -> [this](https://github.com/SchoolIdolTomodachi/CinderellaProducers/issues) <- Thank you <3