Nov. 1, 2016, 12:24 p.m.
Since cinfes limited ssrs feature popular monuments from around the world, who do you think a certain idol will be put with in their cinfes ssr. I already have a bunch of stuff planned
- freddi [ eiffel tower, france ] I would honestly love it if her idolised is in the paris fashion week since i remembered she's studying design :0
- akane [ kuta beach, bali ] surfing+ kuta's in my home country so i really want to see it
- anya [ moana kea obsrvatory, hawaii ] its the biggest observatory in the world!
- mayu [ notre dame cathedral, paris ] i initially thought of the the love-lock bridge but all the locks have been removed so ;v;
these are just my ideas but who do you guys think the idols will be paired with ( monument, popular place )