July 1, 2018, 3:26 p.m.
henlo i'm jac and i love michiru ohara with all my heart
i've been playing deresute since december 2015, and became a michiruP since she debuted in the game on june 2016. she really caught my eye because of her love for bread, and i relate to her so much so i decide to produce her! my goal is to collect every michiru card i can.
favorite units are team flour, hagoromo komachi, mellow yellow, sweetches, and harugasumi!
i also play sideM (mostly sideMstage though) (best boys are shoma, kuro, and seiji/best unit is sai), bandori (best girls are hina, kaoru, and lisa/best band is pasupare), and sometimes mirishita (best girls are arisa, takane, and nao/best unit is ricotta)!
i have all michiru cards as of date, and currently saving for the next michiru card, along with lim noriko and lim sae2!
let's get along! 🍞