i know this site isn't so active but i figured i'd like to introduce myself!! my name is izzy, some of you might know me from banpa, i have fallen into cinderella girl hell and can't get out. i've only been into the franchise since about a year ago when i started watching the anime, tried the game months ago but couldn't get into it, reinstalled (and rerolled so much my god) a few days ago and i'm so hooked now.... ;o; i love kotoka, would die for kotoka, sold my soul to kotoka, she's precious-- my other major favourites are miku and kirari, and i also love anastasia, sachiko, nono, ema, riamu, nao, natsuki, kozue, mirei and nagi~ and SEVERAL others but this list is long enough as it is ;o; all the idols are amazing... that's all i think, i'm happy to be here!!