I had over 16000 star jewels saved for when Sachiko got a limited SSR, so when she was announced as one of the CinFes SSRs, I was elated. I did six 10 pulls but, the only SSR I got was Airi's permanent SSR. She was my first SSR ever but I was still a bit disappointed that she wasn't Sachiko, or even any of the other limiteds. I had a good number of star jewels left after I did these pulls, but decided not to solo yolo and instead save them for a future gacha.
Today, however, I realized that if I special lessoned a some cards, went through some communication stories, and got S scores/combos on a few songs, I'd have enough jewels for another 10 roll. I soon got enough jewels to do one final 10 roll, not expecting much but... I ended up getting not only Sachiko's limited SSR, but also Yuko's permanent SSR! This is probably the luckiest pull I'll ever get in deresute, haha.