Oct. 2, 2016, 12:26 a.m.

I'm Ruby and I love nana with all my heart. I didn't realize it until recently but my birthday (7-17 or July 17th) are numbers heavily associated with Nana. We are so connected, we were destined to be! The denver international airport on Usamin and the reptilian powers combined summoned me as the #1 Nana P in the universe. When her SSR came out, I 10 pulled for her and got her on my 2nd try (first is the worst, second is the best, Just sayin); she was my first SSR! Pulling her was one of the BEST feelings in the world for me. She came home to me from the DIA bunker on Usamin!!!! Interesting, if I do say so myself!!!! Again, it was meant to be. I love you, Nana... Forever and Ever and Ever 17 Forever!