Also obligatory introduction. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
My name's Juli but I also go by Robo. I joined Starlight Stage sometime this summer, right around when the Love∞Destiny event was going on. I play llsif and really enjoy some parts of it so my mate suggested this to me and I really love it so far. That also means I have no prior knowledge of im@s so I'm kinda wingin it hahah. Maybe one day I'll delve into the show but for now I'm happy with just tapping.
I really love a lot of the girls, but it wasn't until I discovered Nono that I realized... I had a fav. I adopted her and we're now a happy idol family. Sorry.
I can be reached on a few different sites that I included in my profile if you're interested in seeing any of my other likes/thoughts.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your idols and progress here!!