IdolYusa Kozue |
RaritySuper rare |
Event |
Title"Magical Angel"マジカルエンジェル |
Release DateNov. 11, 2016 |
Skill: Combo BonusWake-Up MagicFor every 6 seconds, there is a 35% chance that you will gain an extra 14% combo bonus in the next 3 seconds. おめざのまほう⎾35%の確率 - 3秒⏌ 6秒毎、COMBOボーナス14%アップ |
Leader Skill: Cute Make-UpRaises visual appeal of all cute idols by 60%. キュートのビジュアルアピール値60%アップ |
Scouted by844 producersView all |
Favorited by353 producersView all |
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