IdolSenzaki Ema |
RaritySuper super rare |
Title"Rising Beat"ライジングビート |
Release DateNov. 18, 2019 |
Skill: All RoundExciting VoiceFor every 13 seconds, there is a 35% chance that you will gain an extra 13% combo bonus and Perfect notes will restore 1 life in the next 6 seconds. エキサイティングボイス⎾35%の確率 - 6秒⏌ 13秒毎、COMBOボーナス13%アップ、PERFECTでライフ1回復 |
Leader Skill: Passion VoiceRaises vocal appeal of all passion idols by 90%. パッションのボーカルアピール値90%アップ |
Scouted by247 producersView all |
Favorited by116 producersView all |
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