H-Hi! I'm Rin-a-bell.~ I'm kinda new to the Idolm@ster series as a whole, although I did enjoy watching some CG episodes I found on YouTube. I didn't realise at the time the anime was part of the series, I thought it was a one-off show, ahaha~ I'm not new to idols though, I've been a fan of Love Live and have been playing the game for over a year. I did try playing CGSS before but I gave up since my old phone had space issues. But now, I'm free to play the game~
I'm not sure what kind of producer I want to be yet, I've only started playing for a month. I've already decided that Koume is my best girl though <3 So I guess I'll start saving for when she gets another SSR released~ I really like Ranko and Syoko too, so I guess they are my 2nd/3rd best.~ I like to draw and want to draw some fan-art but uh...humans really aren't a strong point of mine at all, so I opt not to out of fear it won't go well, aha...
Oops, I think I rambled. Anyways, it's nice to meet you all~ => Ah, I'm more or less shy...but really, I don't mind a conversation or too.~ Bye for now, and thanks for reading this~
The Name's Kaimax I've been a Producer since the Original Im@s Currently playing Platinum Stars the newest one in the series.
Feel free to check out this video with my top idols from the game. :D
i thought all was lost after doing a 10 scout, getting 9Rs (1 new) and 1 dupe SR, getting a google refund, rolling again and getting 1 SR and 9 more dupes....
but today I decided to solo and I got exactly what I wanted! I'll never leave you deresute, even when my luck seems like it's gone!