Jet to The Future! with Yui and Natsuki! Not a ship, but I don't have Riina or Takumi, so Yui will do! Rest of the screenies:
Hi everyone! Hope you guys are having fun in the Rock the Beat event! ^o^)/ I decicded to finally theme my top floor as a boutique inspired by my the best girl Frederica! I also added inspiration of course from her gf shiki and the princess of smile uzuki! I hope Frederica will keep coming home!!
My ocs have a debut outfit. I'm crying bc I'm really bad at designing so I basically took aspects from evo revo and nora volume 4 (rwby) and tried my best to make my own spin on them. (I'm not a very original child when it comes to clothing) The outfits my friend, Sam, designed are what their image outfits will be and I love them so much. I just love my ocs so much I'm going to cry. also don't mind the sketchy pen doodles it's 5am kek
New update to the Master tier list.
Took me a while, but I finally added キミとボクのミライ along with some "comments" for the songs lv24 and below. Click on the jacket to bring the information up.
As usual, you can find the english Tier List HERE or the original Japanese wiki source most of the info was taken from HERE