In light of recent events, I do think we need to set the records straight with all of you. There have been complaints of certain images in some activities that some users deemed as "offensive" or "inappropriate". On the other side of the fence, there are people who reject such claims, simply because the image in question is based on official art even though it is borderline "inappropriate" or is clearly full of fanservice.
I do think the question is clear now. As a community should we continue to allow posts or images that are "inappropriate?" Examples of these are the recent unawakened SSR Karen/Aiko cards which feature them and other characters wearing nothing but towels over their body.
We in the Cinderella Producers staff are currently debating about this situation because it has caused some drama over the past few hours. But we would like to receive feedback from the community as well. Please post your comments below and keep the discussions civil. This post will be heavily moderated and any troll comments will be dealt with accordingly.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The Cinderella Producers Staff.
Hey guys, the name's Lune, and i joined this community not too long ago, nice to meet you all! Started playing deresute about 6 months ago, and recently managed to perfect every master in the game (last one as shown...)! Asuka is best girl, btw ww Also i play other rhythm games, do drop me a message if you do play them! :D
I've added a F.A.Q. page about fanart so please check that out here!
I have made a reminder activity about fanart before and received a lot of response about it, so I felt that it needed to be added!
Lets continue to be respectful to our artists and show that we care about them! c:
Hm, I want to do some more Idolm@ster fanart!! After I finish some commissions.
I think I want to draw kiddie idols! Nina specifically, but I might add one or two more of the girls from my fan unit PANDA PARADE. (Reminder for those not familiar with PP: Nina, Kaoru, Chika, Miria, Mary)
Anyone have any theme suggestions for my children? I'll take any ideas and run with them. If no one has any ideas than maybe I'll just design them some Unit Dresses with a Panda Parade theme...
I've just publicly released my CGSS Token Event and Live Groove Event Calculator!
You can find the calculators HERE: